March 2012 was a total disaster weather wise in the Pacific NW....wet, cold, windy day after day. April is looking better. The first good low tide series of spring arrived this week, with the best low on Monday 4-9-12 if minus 2.3ft. Very low tides are ahead in early May, early June and early July.
Weather lately has seen temperatures in the high 60's with sun.....yes SUN.
The first Moon Snail egg laying was observed this weekend, as well as much egg laying going on with the Red Burrowing Sea Cucumber, one species of Bubble Shell Snail, the Graceful Cancer Crab and an unidentified species of segmented worm. No doubt other species were spawning but not observed.
Images from this week include two species of Bubble Shell laying eggs, Graceful Cancer Crab with eggs, spawning Burrowing Sea Cucumber, and Brant Geese (which a migrating north) feeding on green seaweed Ulva.
Seattle Aquarium Beach Naturalist training was held on Alki and Golden Garden beaches on Saturday April 7th under sunny sky with a cool north wind.
APRIL 7-9 2012
Shaggy Mouse mating and egg laying |
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Diomedes Aglajid bubble shell, Melanochlamys diomedea, prey of the Spotted Aglajid |
Spotted and Black Bubble Shell Snails
Spotted Aglajid, Aglaja ocelligera |
Melanochlayms diomedea Bubble Shell laying eggs at Alki beach. |
Spotted Aglajid burrowing into sand in hunt for prey |
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Egg masses of Shaggy Mouse sea slug with Shaggy Mouse Aeolidia papillosa |
Brant, Branta bernicla feeding on green seaweed Ulva sp. |
Alki Beach with Olympic Mts. and Brant |
Red Sea Cucumber, Cucumaria miniata, spawning green eggs, spawning males were also observed |
Aggregate Anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, asexual fission the start of a new colony of clones which will contain a number of polyp types...warriors, scouts, reproductive, and free edge types. All will be same sex and will defend territory from other clone groups with warriors and scouts. |
Beach Naturalist Captains preparing for training day at Alki Beach |
Frilled Dogwinkle (Whelk) Nucella lamellosa feeding on Thatched Barnacle |
Radula tracks. likely from Limpet on algae covered rock |