A male harbor seal (2015 season pup) was reported at Duwamish Head in West Seattle. The pup was at the waterline and did not respond to being tossed around by waves created by passing vessels. It was alive and breathing but appeared unresponsive to any external physical force. Seal Sitters staff requested permission from NOAA to intervene and remove the pup for transport and evaluation at PAWS. Both NOAA and PAWS agreed. The pup was removed from the beach and transported to PAWS in Lynnwood WA. The pup arrived alive but died at PAWS within an hour of arrival.
Harbor Seal mortality within the first year of birth is about 50% from natural causes.
While nothing could be done for this pup a WSDFW bioligst will necropsy the animal to determine, if possible, the cause of death. So some good could come from this death in the form of additional information on seal health in our area.
Male Harbor Seal pup |
Male Harbor Seal pup |
Male Harbor Seal pup |
Male Harbor Seal pup |
Male Harbor Seal pup |