A female Harbor Seal pup...born in summer of 2016 and named Taffy by Seal Sitters staked out a spot on Alki beach for more than a month. The seal's health was not considered to be good and a capture was accomplished on the 5th try. It turned out to be a good decision as Taffy is currently undergoing treatment at PAWS for various medical problems including an infestation of lung worm and multiple sores in the mouth. On May 5th another pup named Sea Foam arrived at Duwamish Head beach and returned again on the 6th. Sea Foam moved from one location to another twice of avoid the incoming tide. This pup also does not appear to be in the best of health. One problem facing Harbor Seals in our area in the high level of contamination in the fish they eat. The health department recommends that humans eat no more that two meals a month of fish that are resident in Elliott Bay...Seattle's local marine waters.
These seals, sea lions, river otters, porpoises and various sea birds as well as some Orca whales that prey on the marine mammals have no choice....and end up with high levels on toxins in their systems. When you consider that a harbor seal may be eating many meals a day of contaminated bottom fish it's no wonder we have pups coming ashore in poor health.
Some people question why various volunteer organizations like Seal Sitters spend all the time and energy assisting a few animals when the population is considered healthy...."let nature take its course".....problem is the nature that may be taking its course is one that has been heavily damaged by human careless disregard for the health of the environment...unhealthy marine life is often our responsibility...you can't always point a finger at Mother Nature....but perhaps point a finger at the person in the mirror.
Taffy |
Taffy |
Sea Foam |
Sea Foam |
Sea Foam |
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