Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tongue Point

Twelve miles west of Port Angeles, WA is a quarter mile long thumb of rocky intertidal that stretches out into the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Tongue Point Marine Life Sanctuary.  Because of its location the species list is somewhat different from that of much of Puget Sound proper.  For tide pooling it's one of the "knock your socks off" locations in WA.  Camping is also available.
Some images from Tongue Point to wet your appetite, with one image of Hurricane Ridge in Olympic NP which you can easily take in on the same day you do Tongue Point.  More to follow to the beach.
Tongue Point


Tongue Point

Hurricane Ridge Olympic NP

Black-clawed Crab

Black-clawed Crab


Tide Pool Tongue Point

Fragile Star

The Frankensteins in deep

Sharp-nosed Crab

Keyhole Limpet