From Duwamish Head-West Seattle |
Mt. Constance |
The Brothers |
Mt. Washington and Ellinor |
Washington State Ferry |
Gaper clam siphon |
Hairy Sea Squirt |
Moonglow Anemone |
Orange Encrusting Bryozoan |
Cryptic Nudibranch on Kelp Bryozoan |
Cryptic Nudibranch on Kelp Bryozoan |
Hairy Shore Crab |
Helmet Crab |
Moon Snail |
Moon Snail |
Plainfin Midshipman eggs |
Plainfin Midshipman eggs |
Red Rock Crab mouth |
Red Rock Crab showing 5 spines between eyes |
Hairy Shore Crab - snow camouflage |
Thickclaw Porcelain Crab with eggs |
Thickclaw Porcelain Crab |
Tidepool Sculpin |
White Burrowing Sea Cucumber |
Red Rock Crab claw |